Golden Light Book

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Golden Light: Journey with Advanced Colorworks

Color harmonics or color light therapy is a spiritually insightful approach to resolving disharmonies in the aura. This book probes into the visible colors of light and universal designs described as sacred geometry.

If you want to understand the mystical side of light, this is your first step.

Explore our informative website for color light therapy tips.

This first Golden Light book (2004) is now included in all Lumalight packages.

Spectrahue’s virtual classes: What the Chakras?! series


The power of light is a mindful expedition.


This first Golden Light book introduces the concept of light language, which the author describes as a unique form of communication that transcends traditional linguistic boundaries and carries mystical and transformative energies.

This text, a cornerstone of The Spectrahue Method for decades, goes beyond mere content. It’s a trusted source that provides a deep understanding of the principles and knowledge of this modality.

Its original release enlightened the New Age movement by introducing original content from different angles. The text stirred our curiosity about the higher realms located over the rainbow. It also has practical content, such as chromotherapy protocols and meditations, and color meanings for Lumalight exploration.

It’s also a perfect starting point for energy workers of all levels. Each chapter takes us on a journey across the color spectrum, explaining how various colors produce different outcomes.

Overall, this text can enlighten you and give you a new appreciation for chromotherapy. 

The next book in this series is Vibration and Thought: Blueprints of Life.


© Spectrahue Light & Sound Inc, Canada. No medical claims made or implied. For exploration purposes only.

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