Spiritual Light Therapy


The impact of light makes life shine.

Our world is a symphony of vibrant colors and sounds that enrich our lives. The sun is a constant link to higher realms, and its light influences us, often leading us to seek spiritual light therapy to inspire us further.

Let’s delve into the unique essence of Lumalight.

A spiritual tool that can enhance your spiritual practice.

Color and light therapies can naturally support our vital energy systems (meridians, chakras).

Read more about light worlds of sound and vibrational energy.

Spiritual light therapy has a universal premise: sunlight.


#1. Light tempts us to discover our true nature.

lumalight color chakra system

Light is a universal wonder of which we are in awe. It is a mystery we know very little about or can validate everything it does. Light, whether it’s the warm glow of the sun, the serene light of the moon, or the distant twinkle of stars, is a powerful influence on us.

We know that sunlight’s radiant force brings life to us and our surroundings. Its rainbow hues deliver essential nutrients we absorb, process, and utilize daily. 

Moreover, spiritual practices believe that sunlight has qualities that deliver information about the past, present, and future. Isn’t spiritual energy all about connecting with our higher guidance while unraveling our mysteries?

Advance your skills: What the Chakras?! series


#2. Light is a universal, intuitive language.

The Golden Light Series delves into the connection between light and our higher selves through our aura energy fields. Additionally, the program provides original protocols and exercises for using Lumalight for spiritual light therapy.

Here’s a tip: When engaging in lightwork, focus on becoming more attuned to your perceptions of the aura. These intuitive insights may serve as messages, signals, or guidance. This intuitive communication is akin to an ‘energy exchange’ or biofeedback.

Working with light energy can refine your spiritual intuition and reach greater heights in your practice. 

Learn more about who uses spiritual light therapy in their practice.


#3. Unlocking the power of consciousness within you.

In summary, spiritual light therapies involve connecting to the underlying wisdom of universal light, which can provide intuitive guidance. When combined with other holistic skills, Lumalight penlights are a conduit for this connection, influencing our thoughts, actions, feelings, and aspirations.

Spiritual light therapy is the cornerstone of many holistic practices focusing on life force energy like Qi or Prana. In the hands of a skilled user, color light tools inspire your path of self-discovery.

Learn more about intuitive strengthening aids, such as our card decks.


Important: Lumalight is a Canadian-made artisan product. It is a non-medical, non-touch, non-LED laser, making it an ideal choice for spiritual and holistic practices.

Unlock your spiritual potential. Dare to succeed.