Higher Learning Academy


The Spectrahue Academy of Higher Learning

Advanced Lumalight studies

Long ago, we encountered information with immense potential to awaken consciousness into a higher state of self-realization. As our training materials evolved, Lumalight practices expanded beyond the holistic field into the mystical realms of higher worlds.

Light is life-giving and mysterious; we have a limited knowledge of it.

Discover more about The Spectrahue Method on this website.

Can I try Lumalight?: Holistic energyworks worldwide embrace color light therapies.

If you’re a practitioner, therapist, or life coach with diverse skills and expertise and have an affinity for the spiritual sciences, then read on; these teachings are for you.


#1. Life’s a self-conscious journey

mystical book

Let’s go back to basics: Light in every season constantly sends nurturing energy far and wide into the atmosphere, nourishing our hopes and dreams. Consider tapping into your inspiring thoughts, which only have your voice.

The sun showers us with life-changing ideas, too. And who doesn’t (subconsciously) wonder about this power star as we wish upon another twinkling star in the night sky?

Here’s a clue: Our auras are like information–packed holograms: a receiving station. With Lumalight, get ready to tune into your aura and receive messages from its sunny emanations.

Discover more: Chromotherapy can offer a wide range of benefits.


#2. Original transformational classes

What the Chakras?! series
– chakra system mysteries unveiled


We’ve recently transformed our classes into virtual learning! Although our live, accredited courses are now heart-warming memories, our higher teachings, given in 1–5 hour modules, fit into a fast-paced schedule in multiple time zones. Join us one class at a time!

With your visionary capacity during practice:

  • exercise extrasensory perception
  • access imagination faculty
  • probe light mysteries
  • expand consciousness
  • increase creativity
  • improve self-awareness

2024 Schedule: Live virtual class and self-paced programs


#3. Do you need more time to attend?


Good news! After registration, enjoy an abridged recording for a limited time.

#4. Need extra support?

We’re here for you, book a private session. (fee applies)

#5. Already using Lumalight?

  • Golden Light Mentorship Program
  • Light Alchemy for Animals Program

#6. Where’s a great place to start?

  1. Golden Light: A Journey with Advanced Colorworks
  2. Spectrahue Universal Oracle Deck
  3. Reach out if you have questions about our classes


This website is the exclusive source of Lumalight products.


Unlock your spiritual potential. Dare to succeed.