Class Schedule


Radiant Insights: Chakra Secrets and Lumalight.

Spectrahue’s “What the Chakras?!” series focuses on transformative energy healing. These original classes spotlight chakras as holograms of a psychic nature, believed to contain timeless information within our auras.

Are you interested in:

  • conscious-change-chakraselevating your Lumalight practice
  • exploring color, light, geometry
  • accessing psyche intuition
  • attuning Qi/Prana, chakras, dimensions
  • spotlighting energy-tapping sequences
  • fortifying aura energywork moves

Transformational energy shifts occurs in the aura during chakra re-patterning.

Learn more about Lumalight packages and how to order.

Read on about our upcoming 2025 class.


#1. What the Chakras?! series:

Lumalight in an Energy Medicine Practice

***The Great Qi Rewiring for Change*** 

atom-spiral-formAs the fourth level of this series, this program goes beyond the training included in your Lumalight package. During class:

  • Learn about color energy/geometry in alphabets
  • Use holography mirror ways to evaluate priorities
  • Identify “call-outs” of karma Qi patterns
  • Examine aura grids for light-sculpted memories
  • Discover meridian surfing for inner soul work
  • Practice Lumalight’s light-activating moves


HOLD THE DATE: June 19, 2025  NEW

  • Remote live, interactive (Zoom)
  • Three modules in a one-day class
  • Handouts included; fee applies

Instructor: Julianne Bien, Lumalight creator

Unable to attend? Order recording of this self-paced program.

Sign me up: Reach out to reserve your place.



#2. Previous classes in this series

spectrahue-universal-card-deck-storeOur recorded classes offer interactive content, enhancing your perception skills to foster higher learning.

  1. Chakra Reality: Accessing higher powers
  2. Universal Tarot: Strengthening intuition
  3. Great Spiritual Reset: Advanced training

These programs include handouts; Card decks can be ordered at the same time.

Reach out to order/access pre-recorded classes: Fee applies

Learn more: Chakra healing and your digital presence.



#3. Can I register without a Lumalight?

lumalight-color-therapy-store-imageInteractive classes are unique in their originality with easy-to-follow recorded versions. However, it’s best to qualify first to ensure this is the right fit for you.

  1. Reach out by email (without attachments):
    a) your area of spiritual/holistic studies
    b) what drew you to this work

Important mentions:

  • Attend class without a Lumalight
    – order our card decks for optimal experience
  • Fee excludes travel/hotel/expenses, etc.
  • Payment method Visa/MC, E-Transfers more

During virtually-live classes:

  • Update your browser and Zoom app
  • With technology, glitches can happen:
    – unfortunately, we’re unable to troubleshoot technical issues
    – for review, recording access is available for a limited time



#4. More self-paced recorded programs

1) Spectrahue Universal Tarot

2) Forever Diamond Geometry

3) Consciousness of the Atom

Ready to order/access pre-recorded classes?

We encourage you to reach out for more information.


Unlock your spiritual potential. Dare to succeed.