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Energy Medicine: Healing Memory of Geometry

Rarely revealed, this exploration of Energy Medicine delves into the influence of ancient memories on healing using geometry. Let’s consider shapes as light codes, patterns, or conduits for energy to flow for the aura’s harmony.

Energy Medicine is a method for soul-seeking spiritualists.

Geometize the mystical realms of your aura’s atmosphere.

Living an energy-healing lifestyle involves using various skills from sacred practices.

Explore more: The power of light vibrational healing. 

Lumalight shines a spotlight on the hidden gems of energy work.

Exploring the Nature of Memory and Healing.

Spectrahue GeoColor PlaydeckI like to share a story that may seem trivial to some but is very significant to this article. It’s about remembering who we are.

When we are born, we cry out as we take our first breath. Although this emotion appears to be a surprise, we clearly announce our arrival. But what causes us to forget our natural wisdom and certain senses?

So, the journey begins. We strive to rediscover our qualities, identity, and purpose as we grow and learn. Fortunately, record-keepers, legends, and myths help remind us about ourselves.

Have you ever wondered why we keep coming back for more?

Do you remember this first breath of life? I wish I did…

Consider this: Life is undeniably influenced by time cycles, constantly seeking renewal. Healing is sometimes considered miraculous, much like the conception of all species. Nature keeps its secrets, such as the whys and hows, close to its heart.

Read on to discover how timeless art, celestial patterns, and the Age of Aquarius contribute to the rebirth of ancient healing methods.

The Vibrancy of Art: Celestial Memory Patterns.

Spectrahue InfinityNow that you have this in mind, let’s continue. First, visualize unraveling a celestial yarn spool, capturing sparks of light with their healing codes in your aura.

Ask yourself: Can ancient wisdom be transferred through geometry designs and symbols?  I believe so.

Next, take another deep breath, this time with the thought of art. For example, visualize incredible paintings or sculptures with eternal themes that stir the human experience. Unsurprisingly, museums and collectors go to great lengths to protect their treasures.

These works stir curiosity and offer profound guidance and knowledge, serving as a wise and guiding force.

Creativity influences energy medicine expertise as it seasons the mind.

Lumalight geometries filter through light, transcending space-time.

Learn more: The mystical aspects of geometry as symbols.

The Eternal Memory in the Age of Aquarius.

spectrahue sphere

When you turn on your third-eye wisdom, starry sky patterns above your therapy table watch over you. That’s your intuition! Imagine aligning your insights with a new era approaching – the Age of Aquarius, as you eagerly await the sun’s full debut.

Some say, this star energy, began entering our minds in the 1960s. This shift is marked by a renewed fascination with astrology and ancient mysteries, coinciding with the rapid advancement of technology that activates our senses.

Thankfully, according to the “wise ones” from all corners of the world, we all have gifts within us that need to be cultivated. For example, many people are beginning to explore energy work and soul-searching therapies that are in tune with their needs.

It’s an exhilarating time to be part of this shift in consciousness.

Discover more: Third-eye or psychic perception abilities.

Turning the Keys: Tuning into your Power

Spectrahue Flower of LifeNow’s a good time to take a moment to consider what brought you to this article. Was it the topic, images, or something else? Did you find it through social media? Ask yourself:

  1. What intrigues you about Energy Medicine methods?
  2. How do ancient traditions influence you?
  3. How do you feel about astrology’s influence on us?
  4. Which holistic practices align with your beliefs?
  5. Have you used geometries or crystals for healing?
  6. How do you access memory, consciousness, and light in practice?
  7. What have you tried to deepen intuition and skills?

The present moment is a gift, but what about the past and future? They exist in our memories, neatly stored until they resurface in dreams or are brought to mind at will.

Explore more: Our digital realities and chakra healing.

The Dark Ages into an Empowering Revival.

spectrahue OMHold on tight as we travel at lightning speed, surpassing a millennium, from the Roman Empire to around the 14th century and then to the Renaissance, which was more than a cultural revival.

As it happens, this period holds a special place in recent history. Incredible secretive knowledge and teachings were embedded in Nature’s substances, planting the seeds for future generations.

Next, enters the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, a period of increased creativity and intellectual exploration. Artists, musicians, architects, mathematicians, astronomers, and philosophers contributed to this innovative and intellectual flourishing.

Unsurprisingly, the New Age and spiritual movements of the 20th century followed this era. Mystics and teachers emerged from all corners of the world to share their teachings, but there is much in between.

Can past-life regression uncover memories from previous eras?

We vividly feel their works so that the answer may be “YES!”

Consider this: Historical figures like Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Giordano Bruno, and Michelangelo created vital narrative light codes in their works. These continue to shine when reawakened by our gaze or touch of their legacy.

Great Works of Art are Incredible Messengers.

Spectrahue OctahedronI introduced geometry as symbols and light codes because of their importance in energy work. Using patterns is similar to homeopathy, where natural elements hold the life source codes of light and are imprinted into a substance.

I’m not alone in this thinking. Over the millennia, brave individuals such as mystics, alchemists, and secret societies risked their lives to document their discoveries, adding a human element to this enduring story.

As experts noted, cultures and civilizations have preserved their knowledge through ideograms and imprinted their energy of precise meaning into crystals, marble, wood, and stone tablets.

Ancient artifacts provide insights to ignite our higher senses.

The same idea applies to infusing memory into material shapes.

Although some skeptics might raise an eyebrow, their dedication, and perseverance are awe-inspiring, usually without the aid of a printing or embossing press.

Learn more: Draw out mystical with spiritual light therapy.

Harnessing Visionary Potential with Lumalight.

Spectrahue Moon PhasesWhen it comes to geometry and form, they are an ever-expanding topic. Our universe’s intricate design, from the mathematically formed structure of cells to the brilliance of planets and stars, is truly inspiring.

With this in mind, the Spectrahue Method works with universal thinking, combining geometry and color filters for the penlight’s spotlighting intent.

As for an energy medicine practice using Lumalight, this tool serves as a conduit for harnessing the power of visionary potential while utilizing our psychic senses, a crucial aspect of this work.

Here are a few tips:

  1. It’s important to remind yourself that “psyche” means the soul.
  2. This knowing is encouraging in psychic or energy healing.
  3. Why? Energy-healing action is soul work at some level.
  4. Use Spectrahue Universal Tarot for intuitive guidance.

Learn more: Vibration & Thought: Blueprints of Life.

Lumalight Geometries: Light Healing Codes.

Spectrahue Icosahedron

Energy Medicine has endured for good reason. It has roots in more than just the mystical and spiritual movements of the 20th century.

For example, many of its methods display eternal shapes as symbols in bodywork practices, such as a Dream Catcher or Flower of Life.

Here’s a glimpse of Lumalight geometries that pair with colored filters during sessions:

Foundational Shapes

  • Spiral – Focusing and Releasing
  • Infinity – Stirring and transforming
  • Infinity Reversed – Drawing and expelling
  • Sphere – Blending and re-patterning

Platonic Shapes

  • Icosahedron – Liquifying and transmitting
  • Octahedron – Clearing and renewing
  • Star Tetrahedron – Igniting and rectifying
  • Cube – Germinating and strengthening
  • Dodecahedron – Creating and dismantling

Cosmic Shapes

Spectrahue Microcosmos

  • Pyramid
  • 4-PT Star
  • 5-PT Star
  • 7-PT Star
  • 9-PT Star
  • Moon Phases
  • Focus Point
  • Micro Cosmos
  • Ascension Ladder
  • Conception
  • Flower of Life
  • Form A & Form B Set
  • OM of Universal Light
  • Expansion

Special Releases

  1. Metatron’s Cubes
  2. Sero-Disk
  3. Diamond Inlay

Tips for energy work:

  1. Activate our healing hands using intuitive faculties.
  2. Imagine holding shapes and sense feelings or insights.
  3. Consider the above shapes and project their image into the aura.
  4. Note your experiences and feelings about each geometry or shape.

Option: Intuitive aids such as GeoColor Playdeck (all geometry images).

Learn more about animating shapes through body movement.

Ancient and Modern Movement Mysteries.

Spectrahue 7-PT Star

I want to highlight that Tai Chi movements, Yoga postures, and even Gurdjieff’s sacred dance gestures can benefit your self care practice. These exercises work with the body’s energy systems from the inside-out.

Now, let’s explore this concept further for a better understanding.

Individuals known as “Facilitators of the Miraculous” are extraordinary. The engage in body movements, dance, and sound rituals to attune to the energies of the heavens and earth through their bodily movements.

For example, they use sacred ceremony patterns to align with the universe’s natural order. This can involve connecting with the spiritual essence of elements such as stones, plants, animals, and celestial bodies.

Uncover the secrets of energy healing using Lumalight geometries.

Ultimately, it’s all about consciously aligning with our higher selves – then reaching for the stars.

Learn more: Shamanism, Alchemy, and Energy Healing.

The Healing Room: A Stage for Light-in-Action.

Spectrahue Metatron Cube

It’s a great time to consider your healing room a sacred space. The room’s geometric design influences its ambiance.

For example, stage designs recreated a heavenly presence during Shakespearean and Sir Francis Bacon’s times. Elements such as spheres, doors, and “messages” concealed in props symbolized the audience’s place in the universe.

Undoubtedly, the backdrops create the perfect settings for great performances. These energetic “geometrical forms” help reenact healing and inspirational memories that continue to guide our souls today.

The good news is that some aspects of this period’s original designs were highly visionary and still work well in modern healing rooms.

Like an aura, all has an atmosphere, including your healing center.

Here’s a tip: You can create a serene healing space. Consider elements such as crystals, natural elements, and calming colors to invite transformation on all levels. You are the director of this powerful scene.

Find out more: Spectrahue’s products, classes, and consultations.

Harnessing Natural Forces is a Psychic Thing.

Spectrahue 9-PT Star

Although you may better understand the geometries’ purpose in energy work, equally essential is the intent of engaging in psychic or soul work. This requires effort and a specific state of mind to look within for answers, especially when it comes to self-healing.

Many healers tend to prioritize others over themselves. However, it’s important to remember that working on others can also cause shifts within yourself.

Here are a few basics to begin a session:

  1. Awaken your third-eye wisdom ability.
  2. Activate the meridians in your hands.
  3. Use willpower and imagination to engage the senses.
  4. Explore subtle energies and natural forces.
  5. Practice meditation and connecting with yourself.
  6. Address core issues, not just symptoms.
  7. Trust your instincts and inner guidance.
  8. Work with energy healing in person and remotely.

This quest for discovery, whether as a practitioner or recipient, offers more than just spiritual rejuvenation.

Exploring Memory as Cosmic Consciousness.

Spectrahue 4-PT StarBriefly, I must consider the word “memory” again. This term originates from an ancient word that means “mindful.” Memory is associated with mesmerism and magnetic healing energy, and it operates on a universal language derived from consciousness and light.

Hence, this leads us to knowledge, which can play a crucial role in the earlier-mentioned healing miracle. Being open to all-knowing moments in your practice allows for better soul-to-soul communication.

Your psychic senses need to adjust to tune in to this information. Some believe this knowledge flows into auras as subtle energies from an external data source, somewhere in the ethers of a great aura presence.

You may intuitively receive mental images or thought transfers as ideas.

As an air sign in astrology, “The Age of Aquarius” provides a glimpse of remembrance as I connect with star wisdom in meditation.

Learn more: Lumalight and the aura’s energy systems.

The Spectrahue Method’s Offerings.

Spectrahue Ascension

Unquestionably, the universe evolves without a second thought, forming new star-lit arrays. These patterns influence humanity, especially with the dawning of the Aquarian Age.

At times, we are propelled into new frontiers, uncovering the mysteries of light and its evolutionary secrets.

In light of this exploration into memory, healing, and geometry, the Spectrahue Method offers a unique perspective on using Lumalight tools to work with the aura’s energy systems, such as meridians and chakras.

Enjoy our “Lights & Lattes” Corner for chromotherapy tips.

Isn’t life also about being in tune with nature’s rhythm every step of the way?

Learn more: Inquire about Lumalight Package options.

Welcome to Unlocking the Path to Healing.

Spectrahue Conception

By now, your intuition has recognized the role of patterns as energy conduits. So, let’s conclude with the term “spiritual.”

Unsurprisingly, this word originates from the Latin ‘spiritus,’ meaning spirit and breath. Naturally, sunlight energy is a breathtaking force that vitalizes and inspires us through creativity and imagination.

I wonder if the collective consciousness of Energy Medicine enthusiasts could lead to an “Age of Higher Intuition” for future healers.

What are your thoughts as we shape the history of the future today?

Learn more: The Spectrahue Method of Light Therapy.

© September 2024. All rights reserved. Julianne Bien for Spectrahue Light & Sound Inc., Canada. All images are original artwork by the author. All opinions are based on the author’s views and explorations. This material is for informational purposes only. No medical claims uses, or recommended products are made or implied.

Unlock your spiritual potential. Dare to succeed.