Shamanism, Alchemy, and Spiritual Light

The stars align as a healer is born. “The one who knows” is called a shaman: a true master of the mystical arts. Quietly defined as an alchemical genius for understanding the laws of the universe, nature, and light; their knowledge and skill are whisked into the guise of a spiritual wellness practice.

Memory and knowledge must exist everywhere.

Explore this website for insights into the mysteries of light and healing.

Read more: Light Alchemy and Symbolism

Let’s look briefly into a few aspects of this topic.



#1. Holograms Everywhere

saturn space sceneFirstly, we live in a complex multiverse with spaces as large as galaxies and as mysterious as black holes. Now, have you ever stopped and wondered is it even possible for us to grasp the immensity of the cosmic storehouse of information we may be able to tap into?

Secondly ask yourself: Is this world we perceive as three-dimensional space only a holographic light projection on a two-dimensional space. And, this so-called platform contains infinite possibilities beyond our wildest imagination?

A powerful feeling arises with the words: Shamanism. Alchemy. Light.

Learn more: Thought–forms in the atmosphere and our auras



#2. The Word of Words


The term philosophy is a powerful energetic force as its word formation was based on the Greek philosophia meaning “love of wisdom.” In addition, it may have been coined by the ancient mathematician Pythagoras.

Moreso, natural philosophy encompasses astronomy, medicine, and physics and grounds mystical concepts as we ponder the immensity of the multiverse and our role within it.

It’s likened to telepathy without borders…

From the core of our being to infinite space, communications beyond the perception of earthly senses occurs in our vast and orderly universe. For instance, memory and knowledge must also exist everywhere as nature knows the exact chemical and energetic formulae and evolutionary changes necessary for survival. Within all living beings exists access to higher knowledge for survival.

Shamanism, alchemy, light are in the mind of a spiritual healer.

Learn more: The Spectrahue Method of Light Therapy



#3. Nature’s Built-in Technology

Lumalight colour therapy for horses

It’s important to expand your awareness of all living things. For example, successive generations of Monarch butterflies and American goldfinches are guided on journeys of thousands of miles. Destination: Mexico. How? Well, they access their internal GPSs with the latest updates of global change. In addition, they have built-in crystal-like compasses that probably surpass those manmade to measure earth’s magnetic field.

Let’s take it one step further: Whales, dolphins, and fish also embark on programmed treks. And, elaborate colonies of ants and bees have their destinies predetermined before they hatch.

Even the family dog knows when you’re about to come home from vacation. And the cat’s already in hiding before you call the vet for an appointment. Or your horse is whinnying at the fence before you arrive at the stables.

Read more: Animal communication and telepathy



#4. The Orbiting Thought

color meditation 2

Halt that fleeting thought…midair. Good. Now ask yourself: Does all information across time and space impact us even without our conscious awareness? For instance, this includes past, present, and future information.

If so, it might help explain phenomena including premonitions, telepathy, psychic abilities, and remote reviewing.

That is to say, these skills all hone in on energy in pattern-forming realities. For example, mental images or visual forms of saints, angels, guides, totems, spirit animals, alchemical symbols, and geometrical shapes. For instance, these experiences foster inner visions in support of particular functions or actions. Is this evidence of a link to higher consciousness?

Explore more: The Akashic Record storage cloud



#5. The Language of Light

spiral stairwellThere’s no doubt about what’s in the atmosphere besides the air we breathe. We reside in an ocean of universal energies from our sun and others stars as well as plenty of planets and their moons.

Simply put, it’s where thought images and ideas self-organize and evolve according to advancements in technology as well as free will choices. This information resides in lightwaves that enlivens our world.

Brainwave activity changes in induced altered states, such as experienced in shamanism, alchemy, and other mystical practices. Perhaps this state invites a spiral staircase upward in the mind where communication channels similar to a radio can reach other dimensions.

Learn about: The Alpha Theta State during energywork



#6. The Umbrella of Shamanism

All the continents have secret societies and mystical practices that can fit under the wide umbrella of shamanism. As indigenous ancient healing traditions, ways of life, and spiritual practices, shamanism taps into the universal spiritual wisdom of creation rooted in nature.

Similarly, its practices apply this wisdom to strengthen humans’ natural connections.

In certain practices, altered states of consciousness are reached in order to perceive and interact with a higher world to gain knowledge and healing powers.

Dreams and visions can convey life messages.

As a result, this practice of illumination is about our connection to nature, self-healing, community, and spiritual practice. In shamanic practices, color in its various forms, is one path to connect to the higher octaves of vibration.

Learn more: Spiritual light therapy in practice



#7. Spiritual Light Therapy

energy-handThroughout the ages, spiritual light therapy has been a natural way of life and the sun has been worshipped as an all-knowing all-empowering God or Goddess.

In fact, mythology and folklore have recorded many strong, powerful, caring solar deities with magnificent abilities to rule over the earth and provide answers and fulfill wishes in response to prayers.

More than just a powerful personification, It’s surely conceivable that the sun represents consciousness, illuminated.

Read more: This story is about a rainbow goddess in modern times



#8. It’s Breath, Soul, Courage

Over time, spiritual light therapy has taken on a broader meaning. For example, the English word spirit comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning breath, soul, courage, or vigor. And, spirit is what light therapy gives.

Light and color sources act as eternal links connecting us to the higher source, the sun. In some ways our heart is like a miniature sun, with its on electromagnetic, communicating field.

It’s an amazing soul-ar sun feedback loop.

Equally important, mythical solar deities have been embraced by many cultures worldwide. For example, Apollo was the Greco-Roman god of light, music, and knowledge. And, ancient Romans worshipped Sol.

Naturally the Greeks had Titan, as well as Helios, upon whom sun-centered heliotherapy was based. Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and crafts, possessed solar deity characteristics.

Throughout the ages, most cultures including the Persians, Norse, Slavic, and Mayans had their own mythology and sun god deities.

In addition, incredible kingdoms, infrastructures, sacred pyramidal sites were built to draw in universal powers that may be more advanced than today’s technology. And, these were built above and below ground.

The wisdom and secrets of these ancient cultures remain well hidden.

Read more: The symbolism in Frank Baum’s storytelling of OZ



#9. New Age Movement

spectrahue-spiritual-reflexology-lightSpiritual access is a birthright which we can all acquire with practice. It can be difficult to distinguish between traditional forms of shamanism and modernized esoteric practices that utilize the term.

In 1875 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (HPB), a Russian mystic and author, co-founded the Theosophical Society. HPB’s mystical teachings brought esoteric Buddhism to North America. This launched the New Age movement worldwide, branching off into many sectors under the wider study of spirituality.

Above all, all answers were believed to reside within the nature of things, which we know very little of. Basically, Mother Nature only reveals a small percentage of what’s really happening behind the scenes.

Learn more: Who uses chromotherapy in a holistic practice



#10. Alchemy and Light Therapy

clock-astrologyConsequently, the solar system with its astrological patterns was a basic element of ancient alchemical theory. The alchemical process is based on vibratory patterns (energy) brought into tangible form.

In addition, early alchemists used symbols and shapes in their transformative formulations and these have been incorporated into some chromotherapy practices.

These archetypes are not limited to one- or two-dimensional illustrations on paper, or the natural form in which they were conceived. Actually, they hold memory and intent when called into action with light.

There’s a unique color pallet for each of us to select from in painting our personal picture of healing with light. We need to listen to the soul’s whisper echoing in every cell. All the information we need is available to us if we can access it.



#11. Cosmology and Knowledge

geometry-cosmosThe ancient Greeks in the Pythagorean time period combined all their knowledge of cosmogony and man into a mathematical theorem. To clarify, symbolism moved beyond pure chemistry to all kinds of vibratory patterns. Needless to say it’s also linked into the musical scale, astronomy, and the harmonics of life.

For instance, during the Renaissance, Paracelsus, a Swiss physician, alchemist, and astrologer, was one of the first of the medical profession to recognize the importance of having a thorough academic knowledge of natural sciences. Paracelsus’ hermetical beliefs were that humans and nature had to be in harmony because everything in the universe is interrelated.

Hermetic philosophy is timeless

Circling back around to the first concept: Hermetic philosophy may have only been symbolic of the theoretical alchemical transmutation of man. A series of secret symbols was said to be capable of making dreams come true.

For example, what was called “The Elixir of Life” is mystical substance known as the philosopher’s stone. Supposedly if it could be alchemically formulated, it was purported to contain the power of mastery over life, nature, and its universal laws.

As far back as 1500s, the alchemical movement focused on removing all life energy wasting friction, such as worry, fear, and anxiety. Is light alchemy a key to unlocking the power of consciousness in modern healing practices too?

All answers were believed to be found within nature;

a living world brought to life by light.

Learn more: Is light alchemy spiritual light therapy?



© September 2020 Julianne Bien. All rights reserved. The ideas and opinions expressed herein are based on the author’s experience and research in the field. No claims are made or implied.

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