
Transformative Healing Energies of OZ Land

“Do you think Oz could give me courage?” said the Cowardly Lion. He thought this virtue could only be found outside of him. In 1900, L. Frank Baum’s book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was an instant bestseller. It soared in popularity with all ages, as it lovingly told the meaning of life.

This timeless story, immortalized on the silver screen,
continues to captivate and enchant generations.

Baum’s stories often explore self-development and alternate realities through themes hinted at in Tarot card imagery.

Explore more: Energy Medicine and creativity.

Let’s dive into this wizardly story theme and the Spectrahue Tarot.



Legends of vital energy: A heartfelt journey.

wonder-oz-bookThe 1939 MGM film production included omitted and added scenes with musical scores that encouraged audience participation.

The adaptation required a talented team of writers and directors. It was also released during a significant year in film history when numerous movies, such as Gone with the Wind, captivated audiences.

Interestingly, a Tarzan movie was being shown near the theater where The Wizard of Oz premiered.

Now, the link between these two films is fascinating. Here’s why.



Memories of the mystical encourage us.

tarzan-johnny-wIn a film themed around an incredible jungle call cry, the chest-thumping actor Johnny Weissmuller, as Tarzan, used breathwork to awaken the vital energy of his Heart Chakra.

More than a subtle skill of human power, Tarzan showed the potential of being heartfelt.

At the same time, an inspiring star, Judy Garland (Dorothy), with her feisty dog (Toto), looked out a bedroom window that would magically transport the duo into another dimension.

Dorothy’s wishful song in the barnyard,

to see where happy little bluebirds fly, came true.

Meanwhile, this relatable Oz story had only just begun.



Aspiring ideas spark when the time is right.


But first, here’s to the genius who created this story. Baum’s themes repeatedly tugs at our heartstrings with his words. “I’m so glad to be home again, or there’s no place like home….” 

So true, right? And after each viewing, we learned something new about ourselves and the people around us.

We are all on this journey together. Each of us has an unfolding chapter that’s part of a larger picture book inside.

In earnest, Baum said the idea was an inspired gift.

In other words, he followed his instincts with a pencil in hand. Indeed, victory sparkled in his eyes upon its completion. His intent on writing an American fairy tale far surpassed even his imagination.

At 43, he had written his whole life experience into it.

And he wasn’t alone in the creative expression of his day.

However, Baum never saw the celebrated adaptation on the silver screen.



The New Age movement inspired the creative arts.

L Frank Baum Portrait Art Drawing by author Bien
L Frank Baum Portrait

Cleverly, Baum weaved in concepts of his understanding of spiritual metaphysics and ancient wisdom during a period in history where esoteric Buddhism drew interest on the American shores.

For example, prominent figures such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla (pictured above) had plunged into the higher realms of light and energy use.

No doubt, they all explored the mysteries of evolution and its symbolism through scientific, mystical, and meditative practices, sparking an era of self-empowering books and therapies.

Explore more about light worlds of sound and vibrational energy.



A life-changing move into a parallel world.


Breathtakingly filmed in black and white, scenes of conflict and struggle shadow the homestead, creating a bleak and sad tone. In other words, it was a gray morning on the dry prairies with a little girl feeling blue.

But no wonder… Storm clouds darkened as a cyclone funneled wildly and whisked her house into the next scene far, far away,

“Beyond the moon, beyond the rain….”

For instance, at any age, it made our hearts race with anticipation just watching her miraculous landing.

Despite it all, our minds joined in on the adventure.



Magical awakenings start with a feeling.

universal-records-filmSuddenly, sunshine poured in as Dorothy awoke to Toto’s cold nose. Without a second thought, she swung open the door into beautiful Munchkin Land.

After that, she was in awe because everyone was jolly and dressed in blue.

In short, the action scene triggered a throat gulp as we clutched our chair or the person next to us.

The musical score, ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow,’ was created as a bridge or segue from turmoil into the colorful land of OZ.

Let’s look at what ignited our imagination into a sense of reality.



The book-film adaptation was destiny.

mystical book

Despite all technical challenges, a sepia-tone tint was applied to the black-and-white film for effect. Using Technicolor film softened the illusion of transitioning into a vivid scene of this fantasy world. This innovative process involved mixing three film colors: red, Green, and Blue.

Similarly, it’s interesting that the color cones in the human eye are the same three (RGB) needed for color vision. Thankfully, technicolor cinematography was perfected just in time for this adaptation.

Meanwhile, fast-forward to the scene of Dorothy’s celebratory victory for knocking out a menacing witch like Mrs. Gultch back home…a good witch named Glinda appears dramatically in a floating violet orb.

After that, Glinda lovingly instructed Dorothy to put on the deceased’s silver shoes. Shockingly, this glistening pair of shoes was sticking out from under her fallen house.

We cheered her on as she couldn’t return the way she came.

It’s life’s forward-thinking instinct against all odds.

Baum wrote that the witch of the north kissed the girl on the forehead and left a mark—in other words, a seal of protection for her journey.

But I have a hunch it also awoke her (all–seeing) third eye.

Discover more: Chakra re-patterning and your digital presence.



Friends are teachers on a life journey.


After that, and with Toto’s cheering bark, Dorothy felt courage! So, she stepped onto the yellow brick road because it led to the capital, The Emerald City.

In other words, it was time to seek outside help from a wizard. Meanwhile, casting her eyes far away outside herself, the long road went through dangerous territory in the Land of OZ.

Writer Baum was making an important point: looking inward for answers before taking a long and winding road outside yourself.

A book illustration showed the OZ landscape map with four cardinal points like a compass: north, south, east, and west, each ruled by either a good witch or a bad one.



The magical trio of uniting energies.

aura-body-lumalightInterestingly, in the film adaptation, only three witches were scripted, combining the good witches of the North and South into the character Glinda.

Subconsciously, numbers have a mysterious and influential role in storytelling. For instance:

Merrily, on the journey, Dorothy surprisingly wins over three friends: the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion.

Together, they united in a quest for resolution from (internal) conflict.

It’s as if they’ve created a pyramid of strength.

But, why are her three friends nameless in the story?

Now, for a little more of the story’s mystical undertones.



Baum’s themes stir in our hearts.


Most importantly, this story used (universal) archetypes as elements in its storytelling. In other words, Baum’s characters and situations resembled those of the Tarot’s 22 Major Arcana cards.

That is, the Tarot reflects the steps symbolic of situations on a seeker’s journey. We will never know whether this was a coincidence, intentional, or intuitively guided by the higher mind.

But all Dorothy wanted was to go home, or so she thought…

Sounds like a healing journey to me.

But I’ve realized that life can play out (more or less) along the path described below.

Explore more: Lumalight shines a spotlight on energy healing.



Ancient Tarot are life mirrors.

universal-stairs-imageTo clarify, this obscure deck called Tarot appeared around the 14th century. The main cards numbered 0 to 21 are called the Major Arcana. They are like stepping stones on a path that represents eternal life lessons. So, it stands to reason why the word “Arcana” means secrets or mysteries.

Furthermore, the original card names and pictures reflected the society of the times. No wonder centuries-old deck variations, up to the present, diligently follow the same themes of experiences and emotions.

A deck can have more cards, but these are the keys to The Emerald City, at heart.

Learn more about the color of green in Nature.



Spectrahue Tarot is a self-discovery aid.


This modern deck was created in Canada (2010). It’s illustrated with geometry and vivid colors (see image).

These cards are an intuitive aid in Lumalight and color psychology practices.

Now, let’s compare the Major Arcana names:

Original names vs. Spectrahue’s name:

  • 0 – The Fool – Rainbow Orb (image below)
    *Innocent seeker on a quest
  • 1 – The Magician – Dodecahedron
  • 2 – The High Priestess – Infinity
  • 3 – The Empress – Conception
  • 4 – The Emperor – Infinity Reversed
  • 5 – The Hierophant – Flower of Life
  • 6 – The Lovers – Star Tetrahedron
  • 7 – The Chariot – 9-PT Star
  • 8 – Strength – 4-PT Star
  • 9 – The Hermit – Focus Point
  • 10 – Wheel of Fortune – Icosahedron
  • 11 – Justice – Pyramid
  • 12 – The Hanged Man – 7-PT Star
  • 13 – Death (transformation)– Octahedron
  • 14 – Temperance – Fibonacci Spiral
  • 15 – The Devil – 5-PT Star
  • 16 – The Tower – Ascension Ladder
  • 17 – The Star – Star or Diamond
  • 18 – The Moon – Moon Phases
  • 19 – The Sun – Sphere
  • 20 – Judgement – Cube
  • 21 – The World – Micro Cosmos

Discover more: Spectrahue Universal Tarot.



OZ Land adventures nourish hope.

Above all, Baum must have written this story by heart; here’s what I believe he’s hinting at. First, look at the word OZ that found its place in the dictionary. Baum’s personal filing cabinet, lettered O-Z, supposedly inspired this two-letter name—or so he says.

Still, I think there’s more to it. Here’s why:

  1. “O” is the 14th card: Temperance
  2. “Z” refers to the 21st card: The World

Meaning: Spectrahue Tarot depicts the above, with two geometry symbols (pictured).

Secondly, the above tells a story but so does the following in The Spectrahue Method:

  1. Spiral: addresses energy imbalances
    – resolution by clearing, letting go
  2. Micro Cosmos: journey complete
    – a new adventure awaits

Thirdly here’s how this hero’s journey plays out.

Conflict: Physical or mental traumas, unresolved issues, or lonely feelings.

Resolution: The word OZ is about willpower and self-healing with higher guidance.

Learn more: Vibration and Thought book set.



Tarot archetypes in Oz characters.

Now, indeed, Baum was guided in naming his magical world and characters:

Fool Card Spectrahue Tarota) Dorothy (life seeker): Greek word for God’s gift

Gale (her last name) means strong wind
– weather conditions are emotions: drought, storms, hurricane

Dorothy is similar to:

The Fool card: symbolic of a quest (pictured)
– traditional Tarot: innocent seeker with a dog
– Spectrahue’s image: rainbow orb (light language)


b) Toto (beloved dog): means totality, all-knowing

Toto is similar in nature to:

The Magician card reflects skill, power, ingenuity
– Toto guides Dorothy throughout the journey
– Spectrahue’s image: Dodecahedron (powerful ability)

Hidden Aspects of Self:

  1. strenght-card-tarotCowardly Lion sought courage, strength
    Strength card: a person and a lion (pictured)
    – Spectrahue’s 4-PT Star image: universal strength
  2. Tin Woodman lost his heart from love
    The Chariot card: seen as a warrior
    – Spectrahue’s 9-PT Star image: determined mind
  3. Scarecrow desired to learn everything
    The Hierophant card: spiritual guidance
    – Spectrahue’s Flower of Life image: creative process (higher self)



Transformative energies of OZ.

astrology-wheelMoreover, the message Baum meant to deliver goes beyond his written words because Dorothy only becomes self–conscious of her willpower after her three friends find a resolution. After that, thanks to Toto, they all became aware of their eternal gifts.

In other words, by moving the curtain aside, Toto revealed each one’s eternal virtues. Metaphorically, it was hinted at as cloaked in the wizard’s hiding place.

Here are a few of Baum’s color psychology tips:

  1. Blue Munchkin Land vs. Dorothy’s feelings
    – etheric body (aura) out-of-body experience
  2. Yellow brick road: The color of solar plexus chakra, and the intellect
  3. Green Emerald City: heartfelt harmony
    – players wore green eyeglasses (book)
    – green sun rays (book); 3rd soul ray (active intelligence)
  4. Ruby slippers vs. silver shoes (book)
    – silver mirrors astral light (higher perception)



It’s about trust and spiritual intuition.


Consequently, in this emotional and weepy ending, Glinda, the good sorceress, tells Dorothy that she has always had the power to go home. After that, she becomes empowered to do right by OZ Land for the good of everyone.

More importantly, Dorothy realized the answer to her dilemma was always inside her. For instance, all it took was willpower and three heel clicks of her magical shoes.

Miraculously, her eyes opened wide at a fretting Auntie Em and Uncle Henry.

As a finale, Toto sprang excitedly out of her arms drawing our attention to another clue:

The good witch’s light wand is crowned with an “N.”
– See the letter “N” atop the wand (adjacent image)

Now, think deeply about:

  1. 13th Tarot card: Rebirth, transformative energy
  2. Spectrahue’s image: Octahedron geometry as this card
    (air, breath, Tarzan’s jungle call)

Similarly, I befriended a dog, and that changed my life. The year was 1996. I named him Maxi. This Libra puppy taught me how to find my own Mojo: my purpose in life. Above all, today, he continues to light the path from a place somewhere over the rainbow.

Never give up on your dreams as they only have your voice. – Julianne Bien

Here is the story I wrote for him: The Adventures of Maximojo: A Warp in Time.



There’s a story in all of us.

Adventures of Maximojo (2)

To sum it up, there’s no question that we are all seekers on a quest.

Firstly, this desire is in us as it’s part of human instinct.

Secondly, we all know of that little voice inside us.

And thirdly, it’s our feelings and desires that edge us onward…just a little more.

“You have plenty of courage, I am sure,” Oz said. All you need is confidence in yourself.” ― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Ever thought, “You can say that again; a quest can be challenging.”

Learn more: Transformational energies in spiritual portraits.

© August 2022 Julianne Bien for Spectrahue Light & Sound Inc. Canada. All rights reserved. Original portrait drawing is by the author. This information is solely based on the author’s opinion and views. No claims are made or implied.

Photo credits include Public domain images via Wikimedia Common.

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