
Curious about the mystical appeal of symbols?

Ancient symbols like the Eye of Horus, the Yin and Yang symbol, and the Flower of Life are intricate drawings with deep and mystical powers. These ideogram-style images convey meaning through symbolism, like geometry in artifacts, emblems, and logos.

Knowledge is archived eternally in the language of light.

Its wisdom is symbolically part of dreams, art, structure, script.

The discovery of shiny coinage on a shore or an ancient papyrus scroll on a mountain peak both have the same elevator pitch: “If you can look past my mask, I will tell you a secret.”

Learn more: Light worlds and vibrational energy.

Let’s briefly explore this mystery further.



#1. A universal diamond star link.


We are fascinated by artifacts that carry timeless wisdom, even though they still serve their purposes today. They discreetly fulfill their roles on Earth. Like rough diamonds, they can surprise us, appearing as if we have made a fantastic discovery.

But a diamond’s timely debut is as secret as the stars watching on; perhaps its guidance comes from above.

Once we understand the duality phrase “as above, so below,” attributed to the legendary Hermes Thoth, we are inspired to explore universal mysteries and discover our hidden depths. 

Moreover, our interest in ancient symbols empowers us to embark on a quest.

Unearthed relics motivates us to search within ourselves for answers.

Discover moreSpiritual portraits drawn with diamond energy.



#2. Life is a mind-over-matter experience.

thinking mind

Let’s start by exploring the concept of the mind, which can be compared to a self-modulating apparatus, much like a diamond. The mind’s nature is to evolve and uncover the most profound secrets through its multifaceted mirrors. Unsurprisingly, this desire for discovery is in all of us.

It’s important to note that the mind is distinct from the brain and is part of an electrochemical energy field known as the aura. The aura is a dynamic environment that houses the body’s invisible energy systems, such as the chakras and meridians.

Above all, the aura is a radiant network that reflects our memories, thoughts, and internal activity. It is a cloud of ideograms or our eternal secrets revealed through intuition sparks or ideas.

Just as stars shine in the facets of a diamond on Earth, our higher self shines brightly through the aura.

This mystical saying goes: as above, so below; as below, so above.

A thumbs-up Emoji is an ideogram saying: Go for it. Right on.

So, who takes notes of this multi-dimensional world of ours?



#3. Aura housekeeping and record–keeping.


All memories, from past civilizations to present experiences, are stored as energy in an intangible data cloud, part of a vast network surrounding us. Maintaining a clear mind in spiritual practices is beneficial and essential as we navigate this complex network.

Our thoughts and emotions create influential forces that can affect our surroundings and well-being. Unsurprisingly, our auras instantly update with imprints of our experiences. 

Let’s delve deeper into this idea: Persistent thoughts can transform into a powerful force. Just like a purposeful artifact, these thoughts can interact with similar energies.

In essence, clearing your aura or ‘letting go’ through meditation or energy work can be an enlightening process.

Auric housekeeping requires insight, artistry, and practice.



#4. We’re lamplighters on a life quest.

philosopherThere’s more to daylight than meets the eye. For instance, the brightness of the sun, the moon, and the stars target every point in the universe. All of this light influences us day and night.

Furthermore, ancient texts alluded to light has hidden mystical qualities. That is to say, mysterious aspects of the universe permeate our visible spectrum, from red to violet light.

These seven rays squeezed between Ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) light have healing and spiritual attributes. Beyond their life-sustaining ranges is a vast solar emanation that includes e-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, etc.

Overall, light is a vast subject that’s mostly a mystery within Nature.

The language of light is the A, B, and Cs from the sun’s rays.

It underlies all spoken language, symbols, forms, and life.

Now, I’ll demonstrate briefly various types of telepathy.



#5. Telepathy skills have no borders.


The flow of ideas and thoughts stems from universal light. For instance, when you experience a moment of inspiration and come up with a creative vision, it’s like receiving televised information through the air. This method of communication is a type of “thought–transference.” Simply put, messages are silently sent and received through the mind.

This was most likely the only unspoken language in the past, and all beings used it. Even today, certain wildlife species that roam the land or soar in the sky still rely on this ability.

However, there was a time when access to the “human broadcast channel” was limited to a select few or shifted to a different frequency, making thought projection a rare supernatural trait.

The language of light communicates in many ways.



#6. The voice of art–speech in symbolism.


There are many symbolic languages, too, including art­s–speech. For instance, this phrase means the picture or symbol drawn has a nonverbal or even mystical purpose.

You can delve into the original thought behind a symbol by accessing or “turning on” your perception; this is an intuitive skill. For instance, the object’s aura silently expresses the creator’s intent. Even an engraving on a rock, crystal, or tree has its vibratory field.

Furthermore, when you attune yourself to an object’s presence, you can align your mind with its aura. Imagine being receptive to a silent message from an ancient relic in a museum or an antique store. It’s intriguing to note that this form of telepathy operates through non-touch psychometry, as most things originate from a thought—a form of energy.

To sum up, art and speech received from an object are symbols and keys to unlocking one’s self-discovery process.

Learn more about chromotherapy and the nature of things.



#7. From arts-speech to sound-speech.


Next, we’ve learned to translate the language of light into a denser form, such as writing and speech. Aside from arts–speech, we’re all familiar with sound–speech that echoes from a written script.

Here’s a simplified explanation:

  1. Thought–forms contain light, energy, etc.
    – visualized as slow-moving vibrations of relatable shapes.
  2. Stylized elements (art) were common in ancient and modern writing system scripts:
    – such as hieroglyphs, cuneiform, and pictorial characters.
  3. Understanding a communicative script:
     – paints a mental picture or unravels a story
    – evokes other structured thoughts, ideas, etc.

Remember that “universal memory recall” is based on your higher faculty abilities.

Read more: The art of storytelling with light language.



#8. The hidden language of Initiates.


Throughout the ages, cultures built elaborate structures loaded with symbols. They spoke of astronomy, mythology, and ancient wisdom. Have you ever wondered about ancient tunnel mazes and towering stone deities? For instance, did humans create these, or a guiding thought–form from above?

Let’s ask the stars about scribble-like drawings in a cave, with its cleverly contrived traps.

  1. Were cave dwellers sophisticated societies?
  2. Are ancient wall paintings frequencies of data streams?
  3. Are these messages advanced human code?
  4. Were caves a façade for an underground civilization? – with a palace, a waterfall, a city square…

Got it… So, is there a hidden passage? Is the door key a scribbled drawing? The abracadabra kind? That is to say, this archaic word means: I create as I speak.

Let’s take it one step further: What would happen if you sounded this word in perfect pitch and vibration, along with the will­power energy it was initially drawn or created in?

Well, that’s an ABRACADABRA to symbols that make everything up.



#9. Element theory in the healing arts.

vibration-thought-bookIn brief, cosmology, meaning the science and origin of the universe, is like a geometrical construct. Long ago, the Greek philosopher Plato cataloged five polyhedral shapes called solids. They are the building blocks of the universe.

But more importantly for your spiritual practice, they also represent the elements of Nature and describe the interactions and relationships between all things, such as people, flora and fauna, and the atmosphere. The five solids are namely:

  1. Cube represents the Earth
  2. Octahedron, air
    – called metal (TCM)
  3. Tetrahedron, fire
    – Star Tetrahedron in Lumalight system
  4. Icosahedron, water
  5. Dodecahedron, ether*
    – called wood (TCM)

*Ether is an atmospheric substance between cells, molecules, atoms, etc.

Learn more: Vibration and Thought: Blueprints of Life.



#10. Lumalight geometry light shapers.

lumalight-componentsIn conclusion, symbols or ideograms used in Lumalight systems are universal and surpass human-made boundaries. They serve as a shared language in spiritual practice. These geometric discs fit easily inside the filter caps, making them easy to use during a session.

Spiritual light therapy combines universal principles and the healing arts. In our quest for knowledge, we experience emotions that keep us in ebb and flow – waxing and waning – with the shifting tides of consciousness reflected in a diamond.

I asked a heavenly star for its secret, like a starfish on a coral reef waiting for its reply.

Discover more: Chakra re-patterning and your digital presence.

© July 2022 Julianne Bien for Spectrahue Light  & Sound Inc., Canada. All rights reserved. This information is solely the opinion and views of the writer. No claims are made or implied.

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