At Spectrahue, we believe in a world filled with vibrancy and memories, thanks to the sun, moon, and stars. Universal energy flows through invisible geometrical forms in space, bringing life and structure to everything around us.
A snowflake, raindrop, and all of nature are pattern-generated.
Geometry makes this world so moving, shapely, and orderly.
Like stargazing, explore Lumalight’s universal designs with trust in your insights.
Learn more: Light worlds and vibrational energy.
Let’s dive into the geometry of the mystical.
Geometrical shapes in lightwork.
The following is a brief outline of the Spectrahue Method, which focuses on universal light and the visible colors of sunlight. This method combines energy healing with sacred geometry, such as platonic solids and star shapes.
Lumalight chromotherapy tools offer a unique opportunity. This light set provides an infinite range of aura uses based on various levels of learning about universal light and energy healing.
For instance, combining mystical principles and ancient geometric formulas with these penlights opens up possibilities.
Lumalight geometry light shapers.
Geometry discs are easy to use. You can place them inside the color filter cap, which attaches to the penlight. During a session, people refer to them as “amplifiers” and “light shapers” because that’s their intended purpose.
The following names list Lumalight geometries:
Foundational inserts (4):
Spiral, Infinity, Infinity Reversed, Sphere- Platonic solids (5):
Icosahedron, Octahedron, Star Tetrahedron, Cube, Dodecahedron - Cosmic shapes (15):
Pyramid, 4-PT Star, 5-PT Star, 7-PT Star, 9-PT Star, Moon Phases, Focus Point
Micro Cosmos, Ascension, Conception, Flower of Life, Forms A, Form B, OM, Expansion - Advanced series:
Metatron’s Cube Set (2)
Sero-Disks (2)
Forever Diamond Generator (includes class) (1 or 2)
Note: 1, 2, and 3 refer to the 24-piece geometry set mentioned on this website.
Read more: The mystical meaning of symbolism.
Here’s the best resources for geometry use.
In our self-paced programs and live or virtual classes, you will explore the potential effects of utilizing colored light in intricate geometric patterns within the aura.
The Spectrahue Method’s Golden Light Series delves into the 24-piece geometry set, providing an in-depth exploration of each piece. For example:
- Vibration and Thought: Blueprints of Life
- Lumalight Chromatic Essentials
- Lumalight and Essential Oils
In addition, Spectrahue Universal Tarot and Spectrahue GeoColor Playdeck are tools to strengthen intuition through oracles reflecting geometry and color and can help select the priority clip-on attachments.
Spiraling and re-patterning aura energy.
Let’s delve into the world of the golden spiral, for example, which mirrors the patterns seen in flowers, pinecones, and seashells. Seeking eternal patterns through universal design plays a vital role in the universe.
As you gain familiarity with geometric designs, you start noticing shapes in everything around you.
Geometries are designs composed of lines and figures, such as circles, triangles, squares, stars, and various ratios arranged in a grid-like manner. Moreover, these patterns guide us towards the timeless beauty and order of the universe.
It’s important to remember that nothing entirely new exists. All patterns influence our minds, affecting architecture, art, science, and other aspects of our lives.
Golden Light: A Journey with Advanced Colorworks spiral technique.
Learn more about our Lumalight package options.
Unveiling the mystical world of Spectrahue.
In summary, the Lumalight system is designed to help you feel complete, support you on a journey, or enhance your meditation and reflection practices. The aura has the potential to transform your reality through living colors.
Furthermore, when you have the right mindset, light can respond to you, understand your needs, and react accordingly. This is the language of light – a vocabulary that, once remembered, can guide us on our path.
As you progress, you will learn to recognize the subtle voice within you and explore its guidance. Exploring geometry, light, and universal energy is empowering in the 21st century.
Learn more: Lights & Lattes Corner universal light tips.
© Julianne Bien for Spectrahue Light & Sound Inc., Canada. All rights reserved. No medical claims are made or implied. These concepts and ideas are for personal exploration and discovery purposes only.