violet starfish

The Vivid World of Violet: A Natural Wonder

Like a hidden treasure, Violet is rare in Nature’s palette. It reveals itself sparingly, nestled between the deep blue indigo of light and Ultraviolet, which is invisible to us.

Striking and exotic, Violet hints at the mysteries of the universe.

Explore the spiritual world of light and color with Lumalight.

This unique spot sparks curiosity, making Violet worth exploring.

Learn more: The Spectrahue Higher Learning Academy.

Let’s infuse ourselves in the mystical shades of Violet.



#1. The mystical between light and life.


There’s an undeniable, instinctual draw to the seven rays of our light spectrum, a curiosity that has yet to be fully satisfied. Breaking through the clouds, these shafts of light shine into rainbow colors and play a crucial role in Nature’s workings.

Each layer of color, appearing in a radiant semicircle after a spring rain, holds timeless mysteries and significance. Violet, the highest frequency visible color, is often linked to instinct and wisdom.

Furthermore, visible light, with its millions of frequencies, indicates the order and precision of Nature. It provides us with diverse colors, qualities, and nutrients.



#2. A journey through the realms of light.

mind in spaceThat said, our journey of discovery began millions of years ago and continues to this day.

Our journey of discovery began millions of years ago and continues today. Life on Earth resembles a multi-level quest, not just a physical one.

Like our planet, we possess an energy field known as our aura, which surrounds our meridians and chakras, creating a vibrant and colorful atmosphere.

Meanwhile, as we explore the potential of other dimensions, we uncover captivating beings, creatures, and planetary treasures beyond our imagination in this expansive universe.

Read on to discover more about the fascinating secrets of light.



#3. The vibrant world of Violet in Nature.

color meditation 2

Using your visionary capacity, picture the purple sea star, a celestial-like creature with violet shades nestled on the ocean floor, creating a realm of its own. Now, expand your conscious awareness of its purpose on Earth.

Consider this sea star as an invertebrate resembling a sacred geometric design. The five-point pattern offers a unique perspective on the ingenuity of common and rare species surviving in the natural world.

Indeed, with its five eyes on the tips of its limbs, the sea star views its world differently. It is an example of Nature’s adaptability and wonder. Imagine seeing the world from five different angles, each providing a unique perspective.

Discover more: Who uses chromotherapy in their spiritual practices.



#4. Nature’s living tapestry is above and below.

Rainbow Colors 1Now, let’s look at a vibrantly violet sea snail with its spiral shell of divine proportions. This practical marine creature starts building its raft from birth, and soon, this snail moves upside down, feasting on jellyfish.

Due to the sea snail’s resourcefulness, it has an ingenious method of creating a floating home.

Undoubtedly, other dazzling marine animals, such as sea urchins, coral reefs, cuttlefish, and jellyfish, can display Violet to purple hues and sometimes use them for camouflage.

Some birds, butterflies, and insects have Violet aspects.

Violet sometimes even appears in the human world.

Read more: Sacred geometry designs of The Spectrahue Method.



#5. The dance of Violet hues and Qi Energy.


Darker shades of purple combine with red and blue pigments to create a powerful effect. To simplify, people call variations of this range of hues Violet. With its ambiance and an air of confidence, the hypnotic aura of violet shades is associated with wisdom, harmony, and spirituality.

For this reason, it is no surprise that Violet shades remind us of brand-specific alternative and holistic products, practices, and artistic endeavors.

It seems like such a short time ago; however, reproducing long-lasting violet tints from natural sources was once tricky, making it a rarity associated with the highest nobility, wealth, and position, who proudly wore it.

Interestingly, Violet is also rare in the plant and mineral worlds. The colors denoting violet, lilac, lavender, and grape reference their respective plant shades. Rare lavender roses are the floral symbol of magic and love at first sight.

Learn more: Animal communication and light language.



#6. Violet adorns Earth’s mystical treasures.

sky blue humming birds

Moreover, sunlight’s constant effect brings Nature’s beauty and usefulness to life. The sun’s influence includes more than visible light; it also contains microwaves and radio frequencies.

As light enters our atmosphere, Nature nurtures and evolves with time, creating the mesmerizing all things, including those presently hidden from us.

Unsurprisingly, this natural process creates crystals and gemstones with a violet hue, such as tourmaline, tanzanite, sapphire, and rare diamonds, cherished for their beauty and vibrational qualities.



#7. Nature’s secrets and spiritual significance.

aura-body-lumalightIn spiritual practices, items like soft violet lights, crystals, gemstones, and silk scarves help create a serene environment and enhance the ability to connect with higher consciousness during relaxation.

Amethyst, for example, traditionally represents clarity, tranquility, and discernment, all of which are essential to spiritual practices.

The purplish mineral manganese occurs naturally in the environment and is found in food sources such as grapes, beets, cabbage, and blackberries. This color was used in ancient cave paintings.

Learn more: Find out how chromotherapy brings everything to life.

The following original devices inspired the potential health benefits of Violet.



#8. Trailblazers in Violet light healing.


To conclude this intriguing topic, violet light is valuable for addressing specific ailments based on anecdotal evidence dating back to the late 1800s.

Nikola Tesla, pictured above, pioneered the use of a medical appliance called the “violet ray.” One manual for the device suggests applying it over the forehead and eyes to clear “brain fog.”



Edgar Cayce Portrait
E. Cayce Portrait

The famed American seer Edgar Cayce recommended specific instructions for applying the violet ray in almost 900 of his remote healthcare readings and related treatments.

This article highlights how Tesla and Cayce’s writings on light inspired the creator of The Spectrahue Method and Lumalight tools to embark on a journey of self-discovery through light language.

Learn more about light language, explore this website.

Now, let’s explore other shades: Peach, Pink, and Magenta.

Previous links: Light in Time, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.



© 2018 Julianne Bien for Spectrahue Light & Sound Inc. All rights reserved, including portrait artwork by the author. The opinions expressed are based on the author’s viewpoint. No medical claims are made or implied. For informational purposes only.

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