Category: Lumalight geometry | Card decks


Curious about the mystical appeal of symbols?

Ancient symbols like the Eye of Horus or the Yin and Yang are not mere drawings. They are messages with deep and mystical powers. These ideogram–style pictures describe abstract qualities or silently speak of an idea or concept. Emblems, logos, and geometries, like the Flower of Life or Metatron’s Cube, have symbolic clout, too. They subliminally…


Transformative Healing Energies of OZ Land

“Do you think Oz could give me courage?” said the Cowardly Lion. He thought this virtue could only be found outside of him. In 1900, L. Frank Baum’s book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was an instant bestseller. It soared in popularity with all ages, as it lovingly told the meaning of life. Similarly, all of Baum’s stories had themes…

Unlock your spiritual potential. Dare to succeed.