VNDE Blog Article

Near-death experiences linger forever

At twenty-something, living the typical life of a young woman in the corporate world, I was the last person I’d ever expect to have her life path veer off for a destined mission. I’d only dreamed of cruising over the rainbow to another world if it was on a quest for a real pot of gold.

I hadn’t thought much about what might be on ‘the other side.”

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Life changed in a blink of an eye.

Out of Body Experience

Suddenly, with barely a warning, a doorway was flung open, and I had plunged into a life-changing mystical event. Unbeknownst to me, I was introduced to the initial sensation of entering into a more intense out-of-body experience (OBE).

I now believe that the ‘other side’ can only be accessed through a door in the higher mind.

“As a child, I saw the tooth fairy. To me, it was real.

A half-century later, I still believe it.

Such visions are not dreams but representations

of our immense capacity for inner awareness.

Here’s what happened to me..”



This happened in the late 1980s.

Luminous sunrise

Fresh spring dew settled on the ground as all my senses awoke. Trees draped in alluring foliage welcomed new nesters. Lush gardens budded and bloomed into colorful arrays with pleasing aromas and sweet nectar appeal.

I usually felt in harmony with Nature’s rhythmic flow for each season.

But my higher self had other plans for me…

A first fainting episode a few weeks earlier, which my doctor concluded as stress-induced, was a precursor to a bigger picture—one which I now call a Visionary Near-Death Experience (VNDE).



A lifelong, self-healing struggle.

color meditation 2My chronic neck pain reminds me of that spring day, just before sunrise. One minute, I stood in the kitchen looking out the window at the pre-dawn darkness. Then, suddenly, I was surrounded by pure white light. As I was quickly passing out, I realized I was beginning to have an out-of-body experience.

“How did I get there?” I wondered…

It dawned on me that I was looking down from above at my body lying on the kitchen floor. It was still dark outside, and I’d been making coffee before work.

“Am I alive?” I considered, unsure of anything. I reviewed what I remembered: standing by the sink across the room.

A strange feeling had overcome me. I had panicked and bent my knees trying to get to the floor, but it was as if I’d been flung across the room against the stove. I’d felt my neck crack on the hard edge of the stove, and then my head landed on a blessed cushion of a stuffed green garbage bag.



I was twirling into another scene.

spiral stairwellMy mind suddenly seemed to flip a switch, and earthly colors no longer existed. I realized I was no longer in my kitchen. Walking down wide, uneven stone stairs, I couldn’t stop being pulled towards whatever awaited me.

I somehow knew that I was in an ancient, dimly lit castle. As I crouched low in the stale air, I peered between the huge handrail bars at a terrifying sight to my left. I sensed that it was the scene of a horrific demise in a past life.

Overcome with panic, my survival instincts kicked in as I quickly averted my gaze to the right …

There, I saw a tall figure with a long white beard, a wise and scholarly man draped in a dramatic billowing cape. He stood busily rearranging books in a vast archival library with towering shelves. Somehow, I knew he was the guardian of these books.

Surprised, he looked around and locked his intense eyes with mine. He hastily retrieved a giant book from a shelf and flipped it open.

Pointing his finger to a page, he exclaimed …

“It’s inscribed here that you’re not meant to be born for another 300 years. What are you doing here?” He sounded annoyed, as if I’d foiled a critical plan. But whose plan?

Many years later, when I heard about the ‘Akashic Records’ (eternal records of all human events), I wondered if they were what had filled his library shelves.

I stared blankly at him, then shrugged, not knowing how to respond or whether I should. I think I got the message… In my disembodied state, another strange sensation overcame me as I regained consciousness and returned to my body. I opened my eyes and lifted my head off the garbage bag.

Pains shot down my neck… It’s not a good start to my day.

Read more about spiritual light therapy and shamanism.



The mystical art of creativity today.


Decades later, this experience retains all its clarity. My VNDE was a soul vision. It all makes sense to me now, stepping out of present space-time into another aspect for self-discovery.

Being told that I was born ‘too early’ makes me wonder if that’s why my unyielding quest to create The Spectrahue Method and Lumalight tools is the start of a futuristic healing system.

But this was a familiar idea. For instance, from Atlantean times to the ancient Egyptians, civilizations captured sunlight’s colors for its medicinal, mystical, and spiritual power.

In any event, I continue to brave this well-traveled path by trusting my visions and insights. With its challenges, curves, and pitfalls, there were ‘aha’ moments, discoveries, successes, and amazing people who held me up when I was about to crash.

Yes, there were many of those moments, too. You’ll learn more on this website.



Here are some aspects of altered states.

aura-thought-formPerhaps VNDEs are an altered state of consciousness, a heightened awareness, and a viewing of other dimensions within and beyond our auric fields. Intentionally being open to experiencing ‘seeing’ or ‘visions’ takes practice and perseverance. As with any skill that requires training, it’s challenging and requires commitment. Perception is a finely tuned sensory apparatus.

During visionary meditative practice, OBEs may include:

  1. Colors are more vivid and bright than our earthly palette.
  2. Emotions and all senses, including intuition, are heightened.
  3. Encounters with other living beings that feel familiar to you.
  4. Metaphoric messages received from interesting life forms.
  5. Instinctively knowing that you are far from home, on a quest.
  6. Sense of trust as you explore unknown landscapes.

The ability to tap into your visionary capacity may have similar outcomes as publicly described Near-Death Experiences but with an additional quest or soul’s purpose reminder. And there’s no spiritual travel kit for when that moment arrives. It’s as if your aura self or invisible light body replica takes off over the rainbow and leaves your physical form behind.

A one-minute outing from our “waking life” can seem like an eternity during your ‘out-of-body’ time travel.



A lifelong friend in eternity.

Adventures of Maximojo (2)

To conclude, after reflecting on the decisions that led me to this point, I realized that everything unfolded as it was meant to, much like puzzle pieces coming together to reveal the bigger picture.

In the autumn of 1996, I had the first of many visions that beckoned me to explore the language of light and its powerful rays. At the same time, Maxi, a Bichon puppy, joined me on my journey. He was funny and smart, my confidant and spiritual guide.

He also inspired me to write his book, The Adventures of Maximojo: A Warp in Time. The story is about finding your “mojo,” your true purpose in life.

Ultimately, nature evolves with each season, unveiling our story. As plants shed their final leaves and trees reveal their true selves, the cool air sets in under gray skies, ready to rest, knowing that every life has a complex puzzle behind it.

Learn more about how chromotherapy brings everything to life.



©2022 Julianne Bien for Spectrahue Light & Sound Inc. All rights reserved. The ideas and opinions expressed herein are based on the author’s experience and opinion in the field. No claims are made or implied.

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